In late 2018, Simmons presented the opportunity to participate in a new program to our employees. We wanted to find ways for Simmons to give back to our community, and we strongly encouraged employees to suggest charities and causes that were near and dear to their hearts. This wasn’t the first time Simmons has advocated for giving back to the community, but this time we wanted to make a concentrated effort to coordinate charitable events where the company, employees, and their families could generously contribute their time and energy in order to make a positive impact.
Our first event was a day spent packing meals under the supervision of the amazing folks at Feed My Starving Children. In their words, you can help turn hunger into hope with your own two hands by packing nutritious meals for hungry children around the world. That’s exactly what our team did. Even though our employees typically embrace group events like this, we were quite surprised to find that we ran out of volunteer spots to fill! The day was a huge success. Volunteers learned about communities that need a helping hand and worked together to contribute to this great cause. We can’t wait to head back there again soon!